Charles Moncheur de Rieudotte

Co-Founder & CEO

Charles co-founded Kivu Tilapia, after managing another tilapia project together with Markus Reichardt in Burundi. Before entering the tilapia business, Charles worked as finance and country manager for various exploration and resources companies in sub-Saharan Africa, gaining deep experience in operations, logistics and project management on the challenging African continent. Charles holds a MA in Economic Law from University of Geneva in Switzerland.

Heimo Vincenz-Burrow


Heimo joined Kivu Tilapia in 2017, after working as Managing Director of Burundian bottling group “Liquids sprl.”, where he still remains shareholder. Previously he was head of distribution and logistics at the UN World Food programme in Burundi, managing Director at “Savanor S.A.”, Burundi’s largest manufacturing company and worked in technical development for Mercedes Benz. Heimo is an engineer, diving instructor and pilot.

Damien Desprez


Damien has over 30 years of practical fish farming experience, having established, managed and advised aquaculture ventures in France, Madagascar and across West and East Africa. Damien worked as Head of Farming and General Manager for Lake Harvest covering its 3 lake-based tilapia farms in Zimbabwe (8000 tons), Zambia (1200 tons) and Uganda (800 tons). Damian holds a PhD in Aquatic Science from Liege.

Dr. Markus Reichardt


Markus co-founded Kivu tilapia together with Charles. For the past 15 years Markus has been advising firms in corporate strategy and conducting DD’s in various sectors in emerging markets. Markus has initiated, implemented and occasionally seed-funded a series of agricultural and aquaculture ventures across southern and eastern Africa, involved inter alia in mushroom, shellfish, and petfish production. He is co-founder/owner of Cultura Fesh Ltd, South Africa’s 2nd largest hydroponic salad producer. Markus holds a PhD in Restoration Ecology from Wits University.